Saturday 18th,...Flew by helicopter from Nagoya to Osaka to pick up a friend's brand new, just delivered helicopter, then flew tandem back to Nagoya. From Nagoya, we then flew on to Yaizu to take part in a small festival and operate a joy flight service.
That night, a special dinner for the pilots was put on by a local hotel. Dinner was tuna.
Raw tuna, raw tuna, boiled tuna, raw tuna, baked tuna, and more raw tuna....
That Saturday night, the other pilots and I (above, Hashimoto San and I ) were commenting how there hadn't been any helicopter incidents or accidents of late. The next day, Sunday late afternoon we flew home. The next morning, Monday 20th came news that the Chairman of the HCJ (Japan Helicopter Association) had been flying in adverse weather conditions and he, his passenger and helicopter were missing somewhere over Tottori Prefecture, Western Japan. Now, 2 and a half days later, they still haven't found him.
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