Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mito Komon Ends!

One of Japan's longest running samurai drama series, Mito Komon has come to an end after 42 years of weekly broadcasting. The series is based on the real life character, Mito Mitsukuni, cousin of the Shogun and ruler of the Mito Domain. The old Mito Mitsukuni and two of his bodyguards roam the land incognito, righting wrongs as they go. The final scenes are always the same, a fight breaks out, the bodyguards, and often the old guy himself fight them off, until Mito Komon gives the word....
It's then that one of the bodyguards will then pull out the special crest of the ruling Tokugawa Clan, effectively announcing Mito Komon's true identity, to which the baddies all fall in line and kowtow before him, allowing him to mete out punishments and commend the do-gooders...
As is often the case, there's a scene where one of the lesser characters, a female ninja is caught in the bath.... For the final episode, old cast members were reunited for one final hurrah. It was almost sad to see the series end.
Goodbye Mito Komon,...guess we'll have to enjoy 42 years of repeats from now on,....

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