Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I was interviewed today for a magazine about Japanese education standards..... What would I know? I haven't been to school in years! My brain became so full of useless trivia some years back, I decided to delete old files, and most of what I learned in Primary School was trashed! Anyway, the main point was, that while Japanese educational standards seem high, the students only learn for passing tests, not how to apply the learned techniques or information. If the teacher holds up a banana and says "This is an apple", Japanese students will not question authority, and will write in the test that yellow bent fruits are called apples, because the teacher said so. I suggested teaching open thought, and learning to appreciate this country (Japan) it's unique history and culture.... I guess I sounded like I knew what I was talking about, coz the interviewer looked impressed. And that, I guess is the main thing. OK,...Next!

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