Monday, December 28, 2009


Sunday Dec. 27. Up before the worms can even consider watching out for early birds, and on the TV crew bus heading off to a shoot at the site of one of Japan's historically most splendid castles, Azuchi Castle... Above is my armour, packed and wrapped and seat-belted in on the crew bus.
We arrived early in the morning, I got into my armour and was fitted with microphones....
One of the other reporters, Yamachan was also in armor over his normal clothes... We climbed the mountain on which the castle once sat. All that remain are the stone walls, but even then it's one impressive site!
Walking and talking history,...more photos from the shoot up soon,... the program goes to air on Tokai TV (Channel 1 in Central Japan) on Monday January 11 public holiday from 10am.

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