Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Oct 4. A beautiful holiday Monday. Visiting Nagoya Castle for probably the 2ooth time since coming to Nagoya 17 years ago!
This time it wasn't so much for the castle, but for one of the many events celebrating the castle's 400th anniversary. In the grounds of the castles inner 3rd Citadel were a number of various Tea Ceremony stalls. You could watch the tea being made while you munched on a piece of cake, before enjoying your tea...
Enjoying the sunshine, the fresh air and a steaming hot bowl of thick, green tea....
One of the Tea Ceremony pavilions had a Samurai theme, with this rather poor copy of a set of armour on display. The helmet was OK it was old, but the body armour was a fair copy, in shabby condition.
No matter how many times you see it, Nagoya Castle is a work of art! The castle and it's prized palace and other turrets and buildings were burned down in 1945 during an American air raid, and the main keeps were rebuilt in 1959. Right now, the Palace restoration project is underway, and the first part is to be opened to the public later this month,

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